Drool-fest happening over here... I swear, D&G can never have too much gold.
Check Me Out!
Building 25 & Beyond
Last week I was at the Free People Home Office in the Philly Navy Yard with three other women for a two day FPme experience. If you are not familiar, FPme is Free People's new instagram-esque community on their iPhone app! --You can take pictures and tag what your wearing, as well as network with other Free People customers and employees! Follow me @forsurejadore1. We did everything from shopping at the Free People store on Walnut Street and doing a full on photoshoot in Rittenhouse Park to interviews, watching the Holiday fashion show and meeting the president, Meg Hayne (keep an eye out for my interview with her this week!). Everything was documented and will be on the BLDG25 Blog this week! I can't wait for you all to see it!!!
The famous Free People lobby.
Me. :)
FP Jana taking photos of Cassi
Michelle of The Urban Nomad answering interview questions.
Erica striking a pose.
I'm so obsessed with everything Free People has coming out for the holidays....There are some super gorgeous gowns and stunning sweaters that I will have to save up for... I will be posting more on the FP Fashion Show in the upcoming weeks. :) Here is a sneak peek...
We had some really great dinners out too...
How awesome is this view?!
Some very stylish FPeeps.
The Harvest moon. :)
Jana (Wolf & Willow) with her awesome red lipstick, Spell bag and Canon camera... <3
Those two days felt like a total dream...Thanks so much to Jessica who arranged the whole thing, brought us everywhere, and was even our bag lady. ;) She is so inspiring and lovely! Also, thanks to Jana and the rest of the crew for filming the four of us and snapping a billion pictures! I hope to visit again soon.
I will post more on my little adventure in the coming days, so keep checking back! :)